Sunday, April 15, 2012

Haydn Sennitt posts the 'decent' letters that were published in the newspapers... in response to the "Ex-Gay" ministries that exist in Australia.

Sydney Anglican, Haydn Sennitt, from Liberty Christian Ministries Inc has written...
In today’s Sunday Age and Sun Herald, a number of readers responded to last week’s articles. There was the typical misinformation and spiteful hype (such as one opinion from two presidents of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia, both of whom are tragically unaware of the damage done by gay relationships and whose own views on sexuality are themselves moralistic impositions. They also demanded that Christianity change, which itself implies that they themselves are inflexible. Their condemnation of notions such as healing portray their own ignorance of God’s saving power). Here are the decent letters:

Waaa! Everyone knows that decent letters can only be written by a Sydney Anglican woman who is well known for her Matthias Media publications on complementarianism, to ensure that other women remain subservient to those who pay her, and by the executive officer of Salt Shakers... whose mission is to prevent marriage equality.

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