Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Victorian Council of Churches speaks ...The Australian Christian Lobby does not represent all Australian Christians, nor all Christian viewpoints

The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) has come under fire from the Victorian Council of Churches (VCC) for misrepresenting the views of Australian Christians.
The Sydney Star Observer reports that the VCC expresses deep concern that media portrayal of Christian statements on same-sex marriage comes from the ACL, who base themselves on a fundamentally conservative view of Christian faith, and are not necessarily representative of the entire Christian Community. VCC general secretary Theo Mackaay said ...the VCC’s member churches held a diversity of views and therefore the VCC would never try to articulate a single position on the issue ...We don’t have a position on the issue of same-sex marriage.

An ACL spokeswoman denied that the group presented itself as representing Australian Christianity.

Of course it's all about power...who cares what others think! I mean look at the success the Anglican Church League has had as the representative voice of world Anglicanism!

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